Sustainable Groundwater Planning Grant, funded by California Department of Water Resources
In 2017, the Merced Groundwater Subbasin GSAs were awarded $2.4M by the California Department of Water Resources for the development of the Merced Groundwater Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan.
The Funding Award included approximately $900k for projects benefitting Severely Disadvantaged Communities in the Merced Groundwater Subbasin. These projects were:
Installation of two groundwater level monitoring sites in the El Nido area.
These groundwater level monitoring sites have been incorporated into the Merced Groundwater Sustainability Plan Monitoring Network.
A pilot recharge facility, near the town of Planada.
Two downwells or Vadose Zone Recharge Wells were installed in 2022. MIUGSA is currently exploring methods of pre-filtering water before delivery to the recharge facility. This project also included the installation of a monitoring well, which has been incorporated into the Merced Groundwater Sustainability Plan Monitoring Network.
A feasibility study for emergency connection of the Meadowbrook Water System (in the Franklin/Beachwood area) to either the City of Atwater, or the City of Merced’s water system.
The feasibility study was completed in 2020.
In 2019, the Merced Groundwater Subbasin GSAs were awarded an additional $500k for the development of a plan to reduce data gaps in the basin, as well as a remote sensing decision support tool to better understand groundwater consumption in the basin.
The Remote Sensing Decision Support Tool was developed and completed in 2023.
The Merced Subbasin GSAs installed one dedicated groundwater level monitoring well in the very southern portion of the basin, and identified over 12 existing wells to consider for incorporation of the monitoring network.